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BT INSIDER | Michelle & Em | The Warehouse Team

BT INSIDER | Michelle & Em | The Warehouse Team

Meet Michelle & Emily!
Michelle wears the Kimono in Sundancer, Havana Summer Blouse in White and Premium Black Skinny Jean

Talk us through your week in the Warehouse at Bohemian Traders?


Emily: Each day we are picking and packing everyones orders, checking and packaging garments.Trips to the boutique to make sure they have everything they need and of course Stocktake – I love Stocktake! 

Michelle wears the Kimono in Sundancer, Havana Summer Blouse in White and Premium Black Skinny Jean

What is your favourite part of your job?

Michelle: My favourite part is getting peoples orders out the door – as it actually makes me happy thinking of each person receiving their order as soon as possible so they can wear their new treasures. I’m secretly a  control freak and I love numbers and fashion! I love being in charge of everything going in and out, making spreadsheets and organising in new better ways!

Em: The people I get to work with make this job so much fun.

Em wears Rory Wrap Top in Sundancer and Cropped 70’s Flare in Light Indigo

What inspires you?

Michelle: My kids inspire me daily! And my brother. He has such determination, enthusiasm and generosity and he inspires me to be the best Michelle I can be!

Emily: Hard work and integrity.

Em wears Rory Wrap Top in Sundancer and Cropped 70’s Flare in Light Indigo

Describe your perfect day off.

Michelle: Run, coffee, beach, friends, cocktails! And lots of sunshine!

Emily: Riding my horses and spending time with my sexy Fiancé!

Michelle wears the Kimono in Sundancer, Havana Summer Blouse in White and Premium Black Skinny Jean

Whats on your Friday playlist?

Michelle: Im a massive fan of podcasts – Get them in your ears today! My favourite at the moment is Awesome with Alison!

Emily: Kim Churchill, Conrad Sewell and Declan Young

Em wears Rory Wrap Top in Sundancer and Cropped 70’s Flare in Light Indigo

What are your 3 must have Bohemian Traders pieces?

Michelle: This changes daily as I love all the pieces! At the moment my top three – I love the Iris Embroidered Jacket, its a statement! You can’t go past the High Waisted Skinny Jeans in every colour and (Queue the music) the Rell Circle Skirt! It is a must have – please get yourself one! They are so FUN and pretty!

Emily: Delfina in Sundancer, Genoa in every colour every day! And the Schoolboy Blazer in Mahogany is a must have! 


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