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MUMMAS WE LOVE • Taneisha Millar @MeetTheMillars_

MUMMAS WE LOVE • Taneisha Millar @MeetTheMillars_

This weekend we’re spending our days with the family exploring new places, of course in matching Mumma and me outfits! To get you inspired for your own long weekend looks, we’re sharing our chat with beautiful mum of four and budding photographer Taneisha Millar, @meetthemillars_ to talk all things mum life and outfit styling with her mini.

If you want more ‘Mumma and Me’ styling inspiration in your life head here to read all the interviews we’ve shared in this series.

Describe your perfect day off.
A perfect day off for me, especially in this weather, would simply be to potter around at home – have nowhere to be, no jobs to do, no extracurricular activities to drive the kids to. To sit on my lounge with a beautiful candle burning, watching the kids play outside while I read the word of God. To summize; relax, with nothing that needs to be done.
All. Day. Long!  

Coffee or tea?
Coffee in the morning and tea at night.

Describe to us what a day in your life looks like.
I’m truly blessed to be a stay at home mum so my day starts with getting the children up (they all get themselves dressed, get their own breakfast and jobs done, except August, haha), and we go to school and kindy drop off. I usually come home to do housework (which we all know never ends), cook dinner and bake for school lunches. Instagram work is completed in between and also (if I have any bookings) my personal photography business which I am establishing. After school is the hectic time. We do sports most of the afternoon, then it’s dinner and bed.  

If you could be anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I have always wanted to go to Canada because of the stunning scenery, the townships at the base of snow capped mountains and the sheer beauty Canada seems to be known for. I’d love to do some trekking with my husband and do a cruise (it’s the only place that has interested me in going on a cruise). Safe to say, I’ve just always wanted to go and tick it off my bucket list. 

What are you currently binging on Netflix? 
Some would say that I have too much time on my hands but Netflix is the reason for my 12pm bedtimes! I’ve seen so many shows that I’m running out! I’m currently watching The 100 – it’s an easy watch. 

What is your favourite part about being a parent?
Without delving too deep, it would have to be that I get to watch my babies grow and I know they are 100% a product of what I have raised them to be, being that they’ve never gone into any care. Parenting has been my sole job, everyday. I’m blessed to get to wake up every single day and my job is to raise them and solely focus on that. 

What is the strangest (or best) gift your little one has ever given you?
Without being biased I’d really have to say the the best gifts I get are the Mother’s Day mugs! Really! I get one each year (I’ve trained hubby to know this, haha). The ‘best mum in the world’ and the ‘you’re my hero’ sayings on them really touch my heart on that special day, and I use the mugs at least twice a day so I’m always reminded of how much they love me.

What do you love about the Bloom Baby Bloom pieces you and your little one are wearing?
Well, what’s not to love…? I love how stylish and on-trend the designs are. It’s so hard to find really stylish pieces that you can have as a matching set with your little ones! My outfit is so comfortable and made of such high quality material. Already my daughter and I have worn our matching pieces twice in one week (yes I outfit repeat, and can you blame me?) 

What inspires you? 
God! People who are convicted in their belief and truth of his word – they don’t care of the opinions of others, how they are judged or persecuted – they continue to stand strong in faith and continue to let people know the good news of salvation. These people really inspire me.

For a limited time when you purchase any print piece from our ‘Bloom Baby Bloom’ or ‘Sundancer’ collections you will receive a complimentary matching piece for your little one. *Promotion excludes Bloom Baby Bloom and Sundancer wraps.

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