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Recipe // Chia Seed Crackers

Recipe // Chia Seed Crackers

These delicious crackers are both gluten free and paleo. They make a great addition to a cheese or dip platter but also yummy on their own. Play with the flavourings as you like!

Makes 20


  • 50g LSA (ground linseed, sunflower seeds and almonds)
  • 65g sesame seeds
  • 65g chia seeds
  • 60g pumpkin seeds
  • 1 1/2 tamari
  • 200ml water
  • salt flakes to sprinkle


  1. Preheat oven to 150°C.
  2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  3. Combine dry ingredients, stirring to mix.
  4. Mix water and tamari and agave then pour into dry ingredients and mix well. Rest for 5–10 minutes.
  5. Mix again and spread out over baking tray.
  6. Press down with back of spoon to smooth and push to 5mm thick.
  7. Sprinkle with salt and bake for 25 minutes.
  8. Remove from oven and cut into even cracker shapes.
  9. Turn crackers over and bake for 20–25 minutes until crisp.
  10. Cool and store in an air tight container.

Shop the look

 ~ Recipe Written & Styled by Amelia Wasiliev @amelia_propsandstyling Photography by Luisa Brimble @luisabrimble Homemade Tableware by Melissa Lellouche @melissalellouche Additional props are stylists own and available for hire @amelia_propsandstyling Shot on location @shoot_location ~

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