The Sebastian Foundation // Mentoring Programs
The Sebastian Foundation, backed by it’s strong family values has a great passion for working with disadvantaged young women. The foundation works hard to provide mentoring programs for young women who have health concerns or are at risk of experiencing homelessness and domestic violence.
A large aspect of the Foundations drive in this direction is from Jules’ belief in the female role in life being such a critical one for development of all humans. As a mum or a wife, you have the power to shape the lives of those around you.
When speaking with Rebecca Oxenbould, the Foundation’s manager, she told us why it is important that the Sebastian Foundation are impacting lives in every step of the journey.
“Up to 33% of women experience violence at some stage in their lives…By doing what we can with young women, we are hopefully making a difference in a small way to stop vulnerable lives going down the path they may be following or that may be laid out to them. It’s such a buzz term but ‘stopping the cycle of violence’ is the only way to create change in this space so we’re doing whatever we can to make some impact.”
Encouraging Girls to Grow //
Jules Sebastian with donated garments from Bohemian Traders for the Encouraging Girls to Grow Mentorships.
Jules Sebastian, one of the founders of The Sebastian Foundation has an active role in EGG – the Encouraging Girls to Grow program which will see 40 young women connected with a mentor in their relevant field. Jules meets with each of these girls twice through the program to give her perspective and inspiration on being a working woman. Bohemian Traders are proud supporters of this program, having donated new garments for the young women to wear to the job interviews they receive as a part of the mentor-ship.
Girls Who Glow //
Girls Who Glow
The Girls who Glow initiative is a program of workshops founded by Liv and Teigs, two youth focused TV presenters who work together with a range of other specialist presenters. The aim of the Girls Who Glow program is to impart helpful information to empower young girls towards a healthy, happy life. The Sebastian Foundation proudly support this program and have run a series of workshops in September down the east coast of the country for 13 – 17 year old’s.
How you can help //
Bohemian Traders have partnered with the Sebastian Foundation to help and support individuals and families in need. We are a brand that is built on family values, and we believe it is important to support the community that surrounds us. Bohemian Traders champions all women no matter the hardships they may face. It is our mission in conjunction with the Sebastian Foundation to brighten the lives of those who need it most.
Head back to the Journal to read more about The Sebastian Foundation.
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