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Women We Love: An Interview With Elle Ferguson, Founder of Iconic Beauty Brand  Eleffect

Women We Love: An Interview With Elle Ferguson, Founder of Iconic Beauty Brand Eleffect

In the realm of fashion, there is no-one more inspiring than global icon Elle Ferguson. Founder of iconic beauty brand ELEFFECT,  Elle is our eternal muse whose sartorial journey continues to inspire.

From the sun-kissed Bondi beach to bustling Parisian city streets, Elle’s signature blend of effortless chic (think oversized denim and daring minis) and her magnetic confidence (dem leggsss) is a beacon of contemporary street style.

Join us as we ask Elle some pressing questions about work, life, beauty and travel.

Elle, you’ve just been jet-setting. Tell us, how does travel and seeing the world inspire you?

Every aspect of travel inspires me… It’s getting out of the bubble you’re in and experiencing something different. 

From conversations, culture and experiences. We live such a sheltered, blessed life here in Australia and I really feel that getting out and experiencing something new makes you a better version of yourself.

I recently travelled to Paris with Loreal and every minute I was there, I was unbelievably thankful. To see and experience a city as beautiful as Paris made me feel so alive. I came home and was full of inspiration. 

Travel also doesn’t need to be international –  I just think it’s so important to get out of your comfort zone and experience something new.

What a dreamy and inspiring adventure. Given you travel so broadly, Where is your favourite place in the world?

Oooh, I have always said LA or New York but after Paris, I just fell in love with the city and the people… So currently Paris.

Where do you feel most at home?

Wherever the people I love are… 

Being one of the original fashion IT girls, how do you keep up-to-date with the latest fashion news and trends?

Instagram. I spend so much time on it and I LOVE it.

You’re a busy woman, what is next on the agenda for Elle Ferguson?

I am currently deep in the investment process for ELEFFECT (my beauty brand). It’s five years old and all self-funded. I’m at the stage where I need to scale and my next achievement will be getting the right strategic partner, investment and overseas expansion. 

Rapid Fire

1. Favourite drink?

Coke No Sugar with crushed ice from America, a slice of lemon and a straw.

2. Go-to dish to cook for friends?

French Onion tart, honey and thyme carrots, balsamic beetroot with feta and parsley, smashed potatoes and garlic beans 

3. Favourite room in the house?

Walk-in wardrobe or lounge room.

4. Dog person or cat person?

Dog all the way!!! And the fact that And Just Like That has made Carrie a cat person angers me deeply.

5. Favourite season?

Summer but feb in New York.

6. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

At home with my mum. 

Elle, thank you for inspiring us with your sartorial prowess but mostly, thank you for your eternal kindness and support of Bohemian Traders. We genuinely adore you.

Image credit: Photographer Rachel Yabsley

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