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Bohemian Traders // Meet the Team

Bohemian Traders // Meet the Team

Behind the scenes of Bohemian Traders is a passionate and hard working team, that come together to bring you the best in service and style. Today we put faces to names, and provide you with an insight into the amazing people that make Bohemian Traders a reality. We’ve shone a little bit of light into their style, lifestyle as well as the best piece of advice they’ve ever been given (feel free to take notes!)

T H E   D I R E C T O R S  / /

Emily Berlach

Co-Owner / Co-Director

How would you describe your style?
As a mum of 3, I keep my wardrobe fairly basic. When i was younger I always took great pride in my ability to dress like a fruits salad – think pattern clashing and a fast assortment of what I would not consider to be lurid colour. These days I think Denim and white always works. If I had to describe my current style in one word, I’d say it’s ‘relaxed’. I look forward to it’s evolution, though.

When you’re not at work, what are you doing?
Laundry, obviously! ha! Apart from the domestic duties I begrudgingly perform, I also enjoy devouring a good book.  Anything by the great Tim Winton will do quite nicely – though I must confess to be obsessing over Diana Gabaldons ‘Outlander’ series right now. I’m up to the 6th n the series, it’s such a page turner. Other than that, Id say lazing by the pool with my family or stealing a solitary moment for a stroll down our quiet street.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Ooooh that’s a tough one, isn’t it? Life is so full of learning, I just can’t pin it down to ONE piece of amazing advice….

What is one thing you can’t live without?
Dave. My husband, business partner, father to my children and the shopper/chef in our family.  That guy keeps me sane, fed and happy ;).

Why do you love most about Bohemian Traders?
Our amazing customers. I’m often floored by the support and loyalty of our customer base. We’ve got women who shopped with Bohemian Traders when it was a little Big Cartel store that I ran from my kitchen table and they still shop with us now. It’s such a privledge to be able to design and manufacture garments that women genuinely love. I’m grateful every day.
I also love our fabulous staff – I love coming to work. There’s a great team spirit, decent amount of hustle and our in house graphic designer is a great DJ, so the tunes are always flowing…. Barry White, anyone?

David Berlach

Co-Owner / Co-Director

How would you describe your style?   
Simple & clean. You’ll most often find me wearing jeans & a t-shirt, sometimes with shoes. If I have to get dressed up to do something important I’ll throw on a collared shirt, blazer and shoes!

When you’re not at work, what are you doing?
I lead a fairly mundane existence! I spend time hanging with our three kids, reading, tending to vegetables & animals on our smallholding, and surfing a couple of times a week if I’m lucky.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?  
I’ll go with two:
“Start now, do what you can, use what you have.”
“Most things worth doing take a long time.”

What is one thing you can’t live without?
“Air, food, water & shelter” – that’s four things but everything else is a luxury that I’m grateful for!

What do you love most about Bohemian Traders?  
Building a passionate team committed to serving our customers well; creating a business and products that are beautiful and fun; our great and growing team that make it fun to come to work everyday; and that I get to work everyday with my partner in business & life, Emily!

T H E   T E A M  / /

Maddie Gazzard

Em’s right hand man, IT guy, Whatever you want me to be ?

How would you describe your style?
When I am at work I can be doing a range of jobs which I need to be comfortable for and able to move so most day’s you will see me in Denim and my favourite tee. On the weekend however I am a lot more Girly. I would describe my overall style Classic Chic yet comfortable.

When you’re not at work, what are you doing?
I am currently completing a styling course online, so most of the time behind my computer.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Be yourself and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks (within reason, of course).

What is one thing you can’t live without?

What do you love most about Bohemian Traders?
What’s not to love??? The great people I get to work with everyday, the opportunities and experience I have gained from working with BT and of course the clothes. You can take your pick!

Andy Maloney

Graphic Designer

How would you describe your style?
Casual. I am most often wearing chino’s, a basic tee and a jacket or knit, but will occasionally swap out the tee for something a little fancier.

When you’re not at work, what are you doing?
My spare time at the moment is spent either fishing or wedding-planning.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
That’s a difficult decision, but “Don’t make decisions without eating” is pretty good.

What is one thing you can’t live without?
Kenny Rogers at least once a day.

What do you love most about Bohemian Traders?
Working in a small, fast-paced team doing what I love means work is always fun!

Colleen O’Dowd

Customer Experience Manager

How would you describe your style?
Classic with an eccentric flair. I like timeless prints, bold colours and relaxed cuts. I love detailed garments with considered design features – there is nothing better than wearing something and knowing that every little detail has been carefully curated.

When you’re not at work, what are you doing?
Spending time in my art studio letting my creative flair flow or enjoying time with my partner, Patrick.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Opportunities come to those who are prepared. It is honestly the best piece of advice I’ve ever been given. It reminds me everyday to be grateful for what I have, but also to have an open mind and be prepared for all the great things to come in the future.

What is one thing you can’t live without?
Pencil & paper
(I know it’s two things, but you can’t have one without the other!)

What do you love most about Bohemian Traders?
There are so many things I love! There is an amazing team environment with lots of hard work, but equal amounts of laughter.  As a brand, Bohemian Traders has an amazing social responsibility, partnering with The Sebastian Foundation to support families in need and Emily’s amazing designs are size inclusive and champion every day women to look and feel their best!

Lucy Bryson

Customer Service, Returns, Picking & Packing

How would you describe your style?
Eclectic, preppy, sporty, modern

When you’re not at work, what are you doing?
Studying and Socialising

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Things always come in and out of fashion but you can always be stylish.

What is one thing you can’t live without?
Friends and Family

What do you love most about Bohemian Traders?
That no matter what your style is you can take a beautiful BT treasure
and make it your own.

Shae McGuckin

Boutique Manager

How would you describe your style?
Bold yet classic with a daily statement piece added

When you’re not at work, what are you doing?
I continue to help style my friends outside of work. I love finding that perfect outfit so they feel good! I spend most of my time with friends and family. I love being an Aunty!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?  
My dad always taught me joy comes from helping others. A simple what can I help you with today can change someone’s day.

What is one thing you can’t live without?
My niece & nephew … oh and jewellery!

Why do you love most about Bohemian Traders?
I love that all women can find something they feel amazing and truly feel themselves in!  The boutique has a fun, relaxed & inviting vibe to work in


Photography by Dom Cherry // Hair & Makeup by Tira Jaye // Clothing by Bohemian Traders


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