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BT Insider | Emily Berlach | Founding Director

BT Insider | Emily Berlach | Founding Director

The face behind Bohemian Traders, Emily Berlach, gives us a peek into her life…

What does a normal day in your life look like?

Most days start before 6am with our youngest daughter waking up for cuddles and a chat. Shortly afterwards, the rest of he family rises. We really value independence as an attribute for our kids so breakfast (and often lunch boxes) is a bit of a ‘self serve’ experience. I always need one black coffee in my system before my feet hit the floor and then it’s ‘GO’ time. We’re all out the door before 8am – first stop is the kids school, shortly followed by the gym and then it’s off to the office for the rest of the day.

Our team here at Bohemian Traders is so energetic and fun, it’s really like a big family so going to work is a true pleasure. We all work in an open plan office so Dave and I get to enjoy the productive banter that’s thrown around the room. Most days I’m woking on design with our design and production team and overseeing any other creative output from the brand. IN between that, I’m in and out of meetings, liaising with manufacturers and rushing from one place to another.

After we’ve wrapped up for the day it’s home for a family dinner, usually something quick and easy so that we can get the dinner time production line pumping. Once the kids are in bed, Dave and I  will settle down for a glass of something (i’ll have a Gin and Soda, thanks), perhaps do a bit more work or watch some Netflix.

What sparks your creativity and where do you draw inspiration from?

For me, creativity is sparked by peace and space, which is incredibly rare as a business owner and mum of three. I find I’m most inspired after the weekend when I’ve had a little ‘brain breather’.
How would you describe your Perfect Day?

Ohhh that is SUCH an easy one. I’d sleep late, laze in bed with a good book and a couple of mugs of black coffee. Mid day at the beach under and umbrella with Dave and the kids followed by fish & chips by the ocean with friends. Done. Not a single thing more.

What is your all time FAVE Bohemian Traders piece?

There are so many pieces that I have on super high rotation. Basics are such an important part of any wardrobe and I find I reach for our Denim and Crew Neck Tee’s most days. Perfect with a Blazer (I’m obsessed with the Pink Cord this season) and comfortable shoes. Other than that, it would be the Boyfriend Shirt Dress… I wear these guys ALL THE TIME. Whenever I travel I pack one in every colour – white for the Italian Summer, Black for work in Home Kong and Sand for Paris in Spring. One and done…. plus they wash up like a dream and don’t need ironing!

What are your must have pieces for AW19?

1. A Pink Cord Blazer
2. Flared Denim in a light wash – either ankle grazing or floor sweeping- both are amazing.
3. Circle Skirts worn back with boots, a Crew Neck Tee and Blazer. So easy for every occasion.

Whats next for you and Bohemian Traders?

Oh we’ve not even scratched the surface of what Bohemian Traders is capable of. We have the most amazing team of highly motivated, dedicated staff. We have wonderfully loyal and content customers and we’re only 5 years old. I’m just so excited about the future of this brand.

As for me, I’m going to keep my head down and continue to focus on bring
ing quality, size inclusive fashion to our community. It’s of significant importance to me personally and I can only hope that with time, our community will continue to grow.


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