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BT INSIDER | Kelsey | Boutique Manager

BT INSIDER | Kelsey | Boutique Manager

Kelsey wears the Winter Classic Shirt in Whisper

We spent the morning with our mega babe Manager Kelsey at our Bohemian Traders Boutique in Erina Heights.

What does a normal day look like in the Bohemian Traders Boutique?

There is no normal day! However, very vibrant. The boutique is such a beautiful place to work, I feel like I’m in a European Villa! We all spend a lot of time with or customers in the fitting rooms, we love styling in-store! Lots of stock, I love to consistently merch the store and creating newness. Now with the opening of our new adventure BUNGALOW its so exciting talking our regulars through the new boutique and welcoming our new customers with what we have to offer.

What are your 3 must have pieces from the latest collection?
Oh thats easy! It would have to be:

Kelsey wears the Pussy Bow Maxi in Everglade Stripe

Whats does your Friday playlist look like?

Love a bit of Ocean Alley & Arctic Monkeys to get the weekend started. However, there will always be a sneaky Ariana Grande song in there for my inner girl.

Kelsey wears the Backless Maxi in Black

Tell us – whats your favourite part of your job?

Seeing people leaving the store genuinely happy and feeling beautiful within themselves. It is so important! I love the amazing team we have created here at the boutique and we consistently bounce of each other. Very blessed!

Kelsey wears the Pussy Bow Maxi in Everglade Stripe

Describe your perfect day off..

Honestly, dog!

Pictured is the Crew Tee in White, Schoolboy Blazer and Boyfriend Tee in Mellow Yellow

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