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Recipe // Spring Greens Sesame Salad

Recipe // Spring Greens Sesame Salad

Incase your Winter was a touch more indulgent than you had planned (ours certainly was), then this is the perfect meal to welcome you to Spring! A Spring Greens Sesame Salad, it’s so super easy to put together and will definitely score you points in the healthy yet super delicious category. Treat yourself to a fresh start today! Serves 4


1/4 Chinese cabbage, finely sliced

1/2 cucumber, halved and sliced

100g snow peas

50g watercress

2 x spring onion stalks, sliced

1/2 bunch coriander leaves

1 x avocado, sliced

2 tabs black sesame seeds


2 tsp sesame oil

2 tbs mirin

2 tbs chinese rice wine vinegar


  1. Blanch the snow peas for a minute or two in boiling water.
  2. Combine all of the vegetables and herbs in a large mixing bowl and toss to combine.
  3. In a small bowl whisk the dressing ingredients together and pour ovver the salad.
  4. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve.

ABOVE, Jessica wears the Lace Trim Blouse. Click to shop Lace Trim Blouses at Bohemian Traders.

Recipe Written & Styled by Amelia Wasiliev @amelia_propsandstyling
Photography by Luisa Brimble @luisabrimble
Homemade Tableware by Melissa Lellouche @melissalellouche
Additional props are stylists own and available for hire @amelia_propsandstyling
Shot on location @shoot_location
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